Learn more about pediatrics/ breastfeeding care in our blog!
When someone says ‘supplementing’ does your mind immediately turn to bottles? You’re not alone – many people think that’s the only option if a baby needs formula or expressed breastmilk in addition to breastfeeding.
If you had a magic wand, what is one thing you would want to know about your preterm/late preterm baby?
A recent study showed that while some moms are aware that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer (a little more than half of the women surveyed realized this)....
The topic of breastfeeding can seem like a sea of endless questions with differing answers. Lately, I’ve been getting...
How this Couple Mastered the Art of Prepping for a Baby in Less Than Four Months
Did you know that at least 5-8% of all pregnancies are affected by preeclampsia? So what exactly is preeclampsia and why is there a need to raise awareness about it?
Ever wonder if there’s a way to actually prepare for a C-section???? Or how to plan for recovery from a C-section?
Did you know it requires the coordination & proper function of 6 cranial nerves, and 26 muscles for a child to use their mouth correctly in order to feed?!
In this episode I sat down with one of our patients, Tori Tso, to talk about her difficult journey through all the complications of mastitis and how close she was to end her breastfeeding journey (and not by choice).
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