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Milk Diva Blog

Learn more about pediatrics/ breastfeeding care in our blog!

Alphabet Soup of Lactation Consulting… IBCLC, CLE, CLC, CBE??!

Attention new mamas! Are you feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless “alphabet soup” of letters behind lactation...

What do all those letters mean?

Ep. 25 Alphabet Soup of Lactation Consulting... IBCLC, CLE, CLC, CBE??!🌪🤯💥 👉 Attention new mamas! Are you feeling...

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy… is it for me?

Discover the benefits of pelvic physical therapy during pregnancy in our comprehensive blog.

The Ultimate Guide to Lactation Consulting in Austin and How it Helps New Moms Maximize Breastfeeding Success

What is a Lactation Consultant and Why You Need One Before Birth? Are you expecting a baby and want to make sure that...

Unlocking the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Babies: A Guide to Finding an Infant Chiropractor in Austin

A Guide to Finding an Infant Chiropractor in Austin, TX Parenthood is a remarkable journey, filled with joy and...

Low Milk Supply? 9 Tips To Increase Milk Supply

Low milk supply can be one of the most frustrating things a breastfeeding mom can face. Solutions aren’t always easy, and sometimes it can take a while to narrow down the root cause of the decrease in production.

Do I Have to Wean if I’m Pregnant?

Congratulations - you’ve got another little one on the way. But wait - aren’t you still breastfeeding? What now?

Persistent Pain and Breastfeeding

Sometimes breastfeeding is uncomfortable for the first week or so. This mild tenderness happens only at the beginning...

Balancing Breastfeeding and Medical Procedures

When mother or baby is experiencing illness, it can be scary for everyone. If mom is the sole source of baby’s food,...

Will Giving a Bottle Ruin Breastfeeding? What Other Choices Do I Have?

When someone says ‘supplementing’ does your mind immediately turn to bottles? You’re not alone – many people think that’s the only option if a baby needs formula or expressed breastmilk in addition to breastfeeding.


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