I'm not sure how many of you know this but, I came into lactation land with a personal history of having a difficult birth and breastfeeding experience.
Is your baby constantly crying, won’t sleep, has major spit-up or weird poop?
High Blood pressure, unplanned C-section, meconium aspiration, tongue tie, lip tie, reflux, postpartum hospital re-admission, and oversupply.... OMG.
I started to learn a little bit more about midwives when I had the opportunity to work along side them in the hospital.
When I started Milk Diva, almost three years ago, I was almost paralyzed by fear and had no idea where I should focus my resources.
Ever wonder if there's a way to actually prepare for a C-section???? Or how to plan for recovery from a C-section?
Dr. Aurelie Petitclerc is a brilliant speaker, practitioner, mother and wife (whose husband I think secretly works for the CIA….gotta listen to the podcast to know why I think this:).
What an Induction is and things you may not know about it
We will also discuss the when and how to use a pacifier along with some insider business tips from the Founders and Inventors of the Ninnico pacifier.
Doulas serve as a significant resource to new moms during the birth process.
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