Who knew that nipple size was such a big deal? The things you learn while pumping! Correctly fitting your breastshields to your nipples is the most important step in comfortably and efficiently emptying your breast—which is the largest contributor to supply.
Earlier this month I had the privilege of being interviewed by EverEden to discuss what women should know about preeclampsia.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the US (as well as the rest of the world), parents are understandably worried. While the disease is less likely among children, they are not completely immune.
If you have more specific questions and would like expert advice from an IBCLC for your individual breastfeeding questions
If you have more specific questions and would like expert advice from an IBCLC for your individual breastfeeding questions, call (512) 846-MILK.
The topic of breastfeeding can seem like a sea of endless questions with differing answers. Lately, I’ve been getting some repeated questions about issues apart from basic breastfeeding management that I thought I’d share here.
To clip or not to clip? A 2015 article in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), investigated whether or not pediatricians should recommend treatment for tongue tie and upper lip tie in the face of breastfeeding difficulties.
When mother or baby is experiencing illness, it can be scary for everyone. If mom is the sole source of baby’s food,
Whether you need to increase your milk supply right after birth or you’re going back to work after weeks of months at home, chances are you may need to use a breast pump.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
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